La Multi Ani 2010!
joi, 31 decembrie 2009
La multi ani 2010!
La Multi Ani 2010!
joi, 24 decembrie 2009
Arsenie - Minimum
(She’s the one)
(She’s the one the only one)
(She’s the one)
(She’s the one)
(She’s the one my only one)
Life is a game for two
I thought I would play it with you
But now I play along
In a game that you don’t belong to
And I pray for the minimum
Yes I pray for the minimum now
Should I pray for the minimum now?
[Ref. : ]
When it’s hard to belive
I pray the minimum model
I will find a way minimum model
You say goodbye
Leavin it all behind
I sware I would change for you
I’ll do anything you ask me to
Don’t you go away
‘Cuz I’ll never find someone like you
And I pray for the minimum
Yes I pray for the minimum now
Should I pray for the minimum now?
[Ref. : ]
When it’s hard to belive
I pray the minimum model
I will find a way minimum model
You say goodbye
Leavin it all behind
Love you every second
Love you everyday and all my life
Waiting for the time when you’ll be mine
Everytime I close my eyes
I feel lost in you’r arms
[Ref. : ]
When it’s hard to belive
I pray the minimum model
I will find a way minimum model
You say goodbye
Leavin it all behïnd
(She’s the one)
(She’s the one)
(She’s the one the only one)
(She’s the one)
(She’s the one)
(She’s the one my only one)
vineri, 18 decembrie 2009
Forever The Sickest Kids - Tough Love
i really don't no how much more of this i can take.
its me that's pathetic
checking my phone every single second.
to see if you been calling,
to see if you still want me.
you never came.
she was the one
the only one for me
i made mistakes but
she always forgave me
she was the one my only
sunshine she kept my feet
on the ground she kept my
head in the clouds.
she kept my head in the clouds.
so what do you gotta say for yourself
that i haven't heard from somebody else.
don't try to impress me with make believe
stories darling please spare me I'm
already hurting. and hey on the drive
home i heard our song on the radio it
didn't really burn at first but it came
hard when the coarse hit the second verse.
[so what do you think.]
she was the one
the only one for me
i made mistakes but
she always forgave me
she was the one my only
sunshine she kept my feet
on the ground she kept my
head in the clouds.(2x)
love it hurts, way to much.
love it hurts, way to much.
she was the one
the only one for me
i made mistakes but..
she was the one
the only one for me
i made mistakes but
she always forgave me
she was the one my only
sunshine she kept my feet
on the ground she kept my
head in the clouds.
she kept my head in the clouds.
miercuri, 9 decembrie 2009
Radautiul a zambit!:)
miercuri, 25 noiembrie 2009
Un zambet pentru tine!:)
1. Sa desenezi un zambet pe fiecare bucatica de hartie (sau post-it) si sa scrii sub el “Un zambet pentru tine”. Este important sa fie scris de mana si nu printat.
2. Sa pregatesti cat mai multe astfel de hartiute, pentru ca se impart foarte repede.
3. Incearca sa desenezi in culori cat mai vii – fii creativ!
4. Noteaza undeva numarul de hartiute pe care le-ai pregatit.
Mai multe detalii: AICI
marți, 24 noiembrie 2009
The Last Song (2010)
duminică, 15 noiembrie 2009
sâmbătă, 14 noiembrie 2009
sâmbătă, 7 noiembrie 2009
Praf in Ochi - Locul ei
Dar pe umarul meu era locul ei
Si mi-adormea in brate
Eu adunam sperante
Dar am pierdut-o asa usor
Cu tot atatea vise
Eu o astept in viata mea
Ea ca pe o lacrima m-a sters
Si stelele nu se mai aprind
Si n-ai avea ce sa-mi mai iei
Caci lumea mea e in palma ei
Iar eu in vise ma inchid
Dar pe umarul meu era locul ei
Am pus atata suflet
Si nu mi-ar fi atat de greu
Daca intr-o clipa rece
Iar mi-ar sopti ca imi trece
Si se intoarce in viata mea
Ea ca pe o lacrima m-a sters
Si stelele nu se mai aprind
Si n-ai avea ce sa-mi mai iei
Caci lumea mea e in palma ei
Iar eu in vise ma inchid
sâmbătă, 31 octombrie 2009
Wizards of Waverly Place: Halloween
vineri, 23 octombrie 2009
Hi-Q - Hello, Say Hello!
duminică, 18 octombrie 2009
Selena Gomez & The Scene - The way I loved you
It's all gonna be okay, yeah
And I know,
Maybe I'll live and
laugh about it someday
But not today, no
Cause I don't feel so good
I'm tangled up inside
My heart is on my sleeve
Tomorrow is a mystery to me
And it might be wonderful
It might be magical
It might be everything I've waited for,
A miracle
Oh, but even if I fall in love again
with someone new
It could never be the way I loved you
Letting you go is
making me feel so cold, yeah
And I've been trying to make
believe it doesn't hurt
But that makes it worse, yeah
See, I'm a wreck inside
My toung is tied and my
whole body feels so weak
The future may be all I really need
And it might be wonderful, yeah
It might be magical, uh oh
It might be everything I've waited for,
A miracle
Oh, but even if I fall in love again
with someone new
It could never be the way I loved you
Like a first love,
the one and only true love
wasn't it written all over my face, yeah
I loved you like you loved me (oh)
Like something pure and holy
Like something that can never be replaced
And it was wonderful,
It was magical,
It was everything I've waited for,
A miracle
And if I should ever fall in love again
with someone new
Oh, It could never be the way
No, It will never be the way
I loved you...
joi, 15 octombrie 2009
Chris Brown - So cold
If you ever see her
If you ever meet her
If you ever get a chance to sit down, talk to her
Then tell her it's so cold
It's so cold, it's so cold
Here without her
And tell her I miss her
Tell her I need her
Tell her I want her
I really want her to come back home, back to keep me warm
Tell her I'm sorry, I'm really sorry
Can you forgive me!?
Please forgive me!
And come back home, keep me safe and warm...
sâmbătă, 10 octombrie 2009
Leapsa from Raza de soare
1. Ce speli prima data la dus?
Pe mine?:))
2. Care e culoarea ta de helanca preferata?
3. Îti place cafeaua?
5. Cum te simti acum?
6. Care e ultima litera din numele persoanei de care esti îndragostita?
7. Care e ultimul vis pe care l’ai avut?
Nu ma tin minte exact despre ce era vorba...
8. Ai putea mânca o luna întreaga felul tau de mâncare preferat fara sa te saturi de el?
Nu! Ce e prea mult strica!
9. De ce ai o pofta puternica acum?
De mancare:P
10.La ce te gândesti când auzi cuvântul “varza”?
La felul de mancare care nu imi place..
11. Ai numarat vreodata pâna la 1000?
12. Musti sau lingi înghetata?
2 on 2!:))
13. Folosesti emoticoane?
14. Câte dormitoare are casa ta?
15. Ai cunoscut vreodata o celebritate?
Se pune si primarul de la mine din oras:-?
16. Îti place brânza?
I like cheese!:)
17. Care e ultima melodie de care ai fost obsedata?
Mitchel Musso - Shout it!
18. Câte tari ai vizitat?
Doar Romania:P
19. Sunt parintii tai stricti?
20. Ai sari cu parasuta/parapanta/planorul?
Da!:D Cred:-S
21. Ai lua masa cu George W. Bush?
Nope! Dar cu Obama da:P
22. E ceva stralucitor în camera ta?
I'm shinny!:))
23. Închiriezi filme?
24. Unde vei merge sâmbata seara?
25. Oua albe sau maro?
26. Îti place muzica?
Depinde ce fel de muzica.
27. Ai mers cu trenul?
Ultima data la Suceava.
28. Ce zi a saptamânii e?
29. Ce ai mâncat la prânz?
30. Ce face mâine prietenul tau cea mai bun?
31. Ai vazut filmul The Butterfly Effect?
32. Ce crezi despre Yankees?
Parca am un hanorac cu ei:-?
33. Ai parul ondulat?
34.Când ai plâns ultima data?
Sambata trecuta!
35. Ai intrat vreodata într’un zid?
Usi sau stalpi?:))
36. Anotimpul preferat?
37. Adormi cu televizorul deschis?
Se intampla.
38. Ai baut vreodata alcool direct din sticla?
Nu beu!:P
39. Crezi ca esti batrâna?
19 ani?
40.Ti’e frica de întuneric?
Nu raspund!:))
41. Îti place viata ta momentan?
In mare parte da:)
42. Bati în lemn?
Nu ca nu sunt tamplar:P
43. Ai o vedere buna?
Cand e vorba de...?:P
44. Poti sa faci hula hoop?
45. Unde sunt parintii tai?
Tata la mama acasa:P
46. Ai fost vreodata sarutat în lift?
47. Care e urmatorul CD pe care îl vei cumpara?
Cred ca urmatorul album Hi-Q.
48. Ai intrat într’o încapere pe fereastra vreodata?
49. Ce ai cumparat ultima data?
50. Cât de des vorbesti la telefon?
Cam in fiecare zi!
51. Esti într’o relatie complicata?
Cu mama?:))
52. Ai pus piedica cuiva vreodata?
53. Folosesti betisoare chinezesti?
Pentru urechi?
54. Ierti prea mult?
55. Detii o arma?
O lingura:))
56. Ai fost vreodata într’un castel?
57. Îti place parul tau?
Nu! Ca niciodata nu sta cum vreau eu:P
58. Îti place de tine?
I love myself!:))
59. Esti mai apropiat/a de mami sau de tati?
60. Ti’a placut leapsa asta ?!
Hell ya!:))
Leapsa merge mai departe pentru oricine doreste!:)
Thank you Raza de soare!
luni, 5 octombrie 2009
Leapsa from Oriana
Ziua cea mai frumoasa: 24 Ianuarie. Ziua mea:P
Cel mai mare obstacol: Sa ajung unde imi doresc.
Cea mai mare greseala: Neincrederea in sine.
Radacina tuturor relelor: Cearta.
Distractia cea mai placuta: Sa fiu alaturi de prietenul meu cel mai bun sa radem si sa ne prostim!:D
Cea mai mare infrangere: Sunt multe dar ori te ridici si mergi mai departe ori te pui in fund si plangi:P
Cei mai buni profesori: Profu' meu de engleza!:P
Prima necesitate: Baia?:P
Ceea ce te face cel mai fericit : Zambetul persoanei iubite.
Cel mai mare mister: De ce m-am nascut pe lumea asta:P
Persoana cea mai periculoasa: Cine?
Cel mai rau sentiment: Cand dezamagesti pe cineva.
Cel mai bun cadou: O seara alaturi de prieteni.
Calea cea mai rapida: Call me! My number is 222...
Sentimentul cel mai placut: Iubirea!:D
O protectie efectiva: Sa ai pe cineva alaturi cand ti-e greu...
Cel mai bun remediu: Timpul? Am inteles ca el vindeca toate...Dar de ce inca doare?
Forta cea mai puternica: Curajul. Daca ai curaj ai si forta necesara!
Persoanele cele mai necesare: Toti cei pe care ii iubesc!
Lucrul cel mai placut dintre toate: Sa iubesti si sa fii iubit!:D
Leapsa merge mai departe pentru oricine doreste!:)
Thank you Oriana!
marți, 29 septembrie 2009
Mitchel Musso - The in crowd
Say goodbye to this year
I wish I could avoid the empty summer days that await me
The fakers smile goodbye celebrating their new freedom
I sit alone on the couch wondering why
I wonder what it's like to have it all
To never be afraid that I would fall
But I don't think I've ever known a time
that I was part of the in crowd
Here we go, another day, another disgrace
Fall flat on my face
I wish I had a bunch of money
Catch a plane, head out west
Go run and play around, all full of the fans and freedom,
I sit alone on the couch wondering why
I wonder what it's like to have it all
To never be afraid that I would fall
But I don't think I've ever known a time
that I was part of the in crowd
Doesn't anyone here live an original life
or did you surrender to be on the inside
When you disappear, they won't remember your name
Then you'll fade away as someone takes your place
Takes your place, in the in crowd
Spin away the combination for the last time
Say goodbye to this year
I wish I could avoid the empty summer days that await me
The fakers smile goodbye, Celebrating their new freedom
I sit alone on the couch, but I'm ready to fly
I wonder what its like to have it all
To never be afraid that I would fall
But I don't think I've ever known a time
That I was part of the in crowd
Of the in crowd
Of the in crowd
I don't need anything that I can't find in me
All my life I have been on a line, at the end
Waiting for something more, something new to begin
Waiting for something more, some way to fit in
In the in crowd
In the in crowd
miercuri, 16 septembrie 2009
Mitchel Musso - Hey!
I'm covered in rain but it feels just like it's the sun
And it don't get me down, don't come around
You're better off leaving town, I'm fine here alone now without you
Hey! I'm screaming at you, hey! Don't care enough to
Write you a letter now that I'm doing better alone
Hey! I'm screaming at you, hey! Don't care enough to
Write you a letter now that I'm doing better
Better off without you
You're stuck in a world and make believe that I can see it
I gave it a chance, she must be crazy not to leave
You're never gonna bring me down, don't come around
You're better off leaving town, I'm fine here alone now without you
Hey! I'm screaming at you, hey! Don't care enough to
Write you a letter now that I'm doing better alone
Hey! I'm screaming at you, hey! Don't care enough to
Write you a letter now that I'm doing better
Better off without you
Giving it up, now you take it away
All of my time, now get out of my way
Never been lost in anyone, it's me they want, without you I'm insane
So hear me now screaming out your name
(Screaming out, screaming out your name)
(Better off without you)
Hey! I'm screaming at you, hey! Don't care enough to
Write you a letter now that I'm doing better alone
Hey! I'm screaming at you, hey! Don't care enough to
Write you a letter now that I'm doing better
Better off without you
Better off without you
'Cause I'm better off without you
I'm screaming at you, hey! Don't care enough to
Write you a letter now that I'm doing better
Better off without you
Un premiu si pentru mine!
Premiul merge mai departe catre:
1. Oigen
2. Ionel Torac
3. Alex Oltean
4. George
5. t3mb3
6. Bianca
Reguli ale premiului:
Trimite-mi-l inapoi - daca ma numeri printre prietenii tai;
Nici o trimitere - mai ai inca de lucru la relatia ta cu ceilalti;
2 trimiteri - esti amabil, dar ai nevoie sa te exteriorizezi;
4 trimiteri - ti-ai ales bine prietenii;
6 trimiteri - esti dintre cei mai populari.
duminică, 13 septembrie 2009
Radauti un oras mai curat!

Acest program include achizitionarea a 138 de containere metalice pentru colectarea selectiva a deseurilor, care se diferentiaza prin culoarea capacelor: galbene, albastre, verzi, maro si gri, astfel incat fiecare culoare corespunde unor anumite tipuri de deseuri. Aceste containere sunt amplasate in zonele ce aveau astfel de destinatii din cvartalele de blocuri si case de pe tot cuprinsul municipiului, dar dupa amenajarea lor conform normelor europene."
joi, 3 septembrie 2009
Voltaj - Vara trecuta & Outro
Si ploua, ploua, ploua peste inima mea
Un rau de lacrimi, ramane-n urma ta
Iar noua, noua, noua, noua vieti de-as avea
Le-as da pe-o vara in care-ai fost a mea
Pot sa ma trezesc in orice zi zambind
Pot sa ajung oriunde imi pun in gand
Caci fie soare fie ploi
V-am avut mereu pe voi
Iar atunci cand poate tu nu vei mai stii
Ce drum sa alegi cu tine eu voi fii
Si cu soare si cu ploi
Anii trec dar va avem pe voi!
miercuri, 2 septembrie 2009
Voltaj - N-ajunge
marți, 1 septembrie 2009
Concert Nikodemus Radauti 2009 Voltaj Intro
luni, 31 august 2009
Concert Nikodemus Radauti 2009 Crush & Alexandra Ungureanu Intro
duminică, 30 august 2009
Concert Nikodemus Radauti 2009 Play & Win Intro
marți, 18 august 2009
Concert after Cupa Nikodemus Radauti
Nu sunt pasionat de fotbal si nici macar microbist nu sunt. Dar cei care vor sa vada meciurile de la Cupa Nikodemus de minifotbal editia a 14-a pot merge la terenul cu gazon artificial de la Colegiul National „Eudoxiu Hurmuzachi” Radauti intre 17 si 29 August 2009. Eu voi merge pe 29 August la festivitatea de premiere din Piata Centrala Radauti apoi hai sa ne distram la concert alaturi de: Voltaj care vor veni pentru a 6-a oara in Radauti, Crush si Alexandra Ungureanu care vor fii pentru a 3-a oara in Radauti si pentru prima data in orasul nostru: Play & Win!:) Dupa concert artificii!
vineri, 7 august 2009
Leticia - If you cry
I don't know what you feel today
I just woke up from a dream that I slept
And I’m so far away and I can't believe
How time has past we were moving to fast
These moments we live
Hold me closer you said all the time
But I’m sorry baby hope you will be fine
If you cry baby don't cry for me
I never really meant to be somebody that is
making you making you cry
Everything is over now
I reach my eyes I see the sky
'Cause now I learned to say I’m sorry, I love you goodbye
I don't know what you feel today
I just woke up from a dream that I slept
And I’m so far away and I can't believe
How time has past we were moving to fast
These moments we live
Hold me closer you said all the time
But I’m sorry baby hope you will be fine
If you cry baby don't cry for me
I never really meant to be somebody that is
making you making you cry
Everything is over now
I reach my eyes I see the sky
'Cause now I learned to say I’m sorry I love you goodbye
duminică, 26 iulie 2009
Pantofi sport fashion: "Benny" de la PUMA
1. Au aspect de "skate shoes"!
2. Ma striga pe nume!:P
3. Sunt bestiali!
Pret: 250 de lei
duminică, 21 iunie 2009
Copilaria mea prin desenele animate
sâmbătă, 20 iunie 2009
Smiley - In lipsa mea
Ai 10 melodii în format MP3 la calitate impecabila de 320 kbps!
si 4 videoclipuri MPEG la calitate de televiziune, peste 200 MB fiecare!
miercuri, 17 iunie 2009
duminică, 14 iunie 2009
duminică, 7 iunie 2009
Marsul pentru viata!
Eu voi fii acolo!
Participa si tu! Astazi Miercuri 10 Iunie 2009, ora 16:00 cu plecare de la biserica "Sfintii Apostoli Petru si Pavel" de vis-a-vis de autogara.
Live your life, wise and free!
No teenage girls givin' birth!
So change the world!
duminică, 31 mai 2009
Anya are blog!
joi, 21 mai 2009
Imbratisari gratuite in Radauti!
Multumesc: Lacrimioara, Alina, Madalina, Anda, Denisa, Bogdan, Iulia, Alexandra, Cornel, Victor, Florin, Ciprian, Andrei, Dorin, Iulian si celorlanti care sau oferit pe drum sa dam imbratisari:)
miercuri, 29 aprilie 2009
Imbratisari gratuite!
Poti veni si mai tarziu campania se desfasoara intre orele: 13:00 - 15:00
Inscrie-te si tu: AICI
Nu uita de pancarda! Cum trebuie sa arate una? Vezi: AICI
Ma gasesti la adresa de mail:
Totul a inceput cu Juan Mann:
marți, 28 aprilie 2009
Concurs LG
Publicitate -
Ce e mai frumos decât să vezi diferiţi câini care dorm în cele mai ciudate poziţii, pisici care sunt imortalizate căscând, făcând tumbe şi alte şmecherii, porci care se sărută cu copii mici ? Îţi zic eu, nimic.
Vă aşteptăm şi pe voi să vizitaţi acest site pentru un entertainement ce ar pica bine în orice moment, chit că eşti acasă la cafeaua de dimineaţă, chit că eşti la muncă în timp ce şeful tău urlă la tine să laşi prostiile şi să-ţi faci treaba. Aşadar, intraţi pe şi vă asigur că o să căpătaţi un zâmbet tâmp pe parcurs ce vizualizaţi pozele haioase.